3831 Midway Place NE - Albuquerque, NM - 87109 - 505.796.0149
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The Montessori Elementary School has moved! We are now in our new, permanent building!

Our new address is:
The Montessori Elementary School
3831 Midway Place NE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87109

The Montessori Elementary School is located on Midway Place NE. Midway Place is located at the end of Office Blvd., which is off of Singer Blvd (off of Jefferson, just West of I-25). The most visible landmark is the Rio Theatres.

Phone:              (505) 796-0149

Fax:                  (505) 796-0147
Email:               msams@tmesnm.com


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©2008 The Montessori Elementary School